And then I just left
Follow me around the world on my adventures & notadventures

Fun Facts
I don’t have a coaster on my nightstand anymore. My office is on a panel van (secret government agency stuff). I have never ever used the delivery service of McDonalds. I love to live or be around the beach, but I don’t like to go into the water. I FaceTime with my mom on regular basis. Sun over seasons. I am too old for hostels. I think I am funnier than I actually am. Most of the jokes, I do to amuse myself anyway. It works.
Active vs. Lazy
Running. Alsterwasser. Biking. TV Shows. In bed early but stay up late. Don’t like swimming. Ball sport is not a friend of mine. Pool over sea. Movie beats club… everything beats club.
The “Princess” & I
I didn’t look for a princess, I didn’t even look for a frog… and there she was… at the Greyhound terminal in Los Angeles ignoring me, because it was much more important to find an outlet to recharge her phone…
But I got a second (and forced a third) chance to get her attention when the aircon on our way to San Diego was sooooo cold and she was in need of a shirt. 😜
Thank you Greyhound for making the bus a freezer, thank you A&F for your comfy, fluffy shirts and thank you, mom and dad, to prepare me to always be prepared. 😂💪
See what I See
Sometimes on regular basis, sometimes less, I post on “social” media. Most fun following me you will probably have on Instagram. My Facebook account is strictly for my personal contacts. I don’t get why Twitter is still a thing, but of course, I am on it too. 😎 Snapchat… seriously?! “I am too old for that S*it” Tikwhat?
Stay Connected
No kidding I am the worst
The absolute worst in “staying in contact” and/or “getting back in contact” – so please drop me a line, I will be so happy to hearing from you, you can’t possibly imagine.
No kidding I am also lazy about writing (surprise 😂)
Not sure if “lazy” is suitable here. An example: I have a newsletter you can sign up for, but don’t get your hopes up…
So far I only send one (1!) mail to all my subscribers. #ivowtogetbetter
#rememberimpracticallyhomeless 😜
If you won the lottery and don’t know what to do with all the money… 🥰
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